About Us
Click on the links below to hear Mike talking about his experiences on:
The Jerry Pippin Radio Show
Glastonbury Radio
O Books Radio
Ross Hemsworth talking about Mike's symbols on
'Now That's Weird' (short clip)
Ross Hemsworth talking about Mike's symbols on 'Now That's Weird'(whole show - scroll down the page that opens and listen to track 14)
and to access You Tube clips from:
UFO Congress, Nevada, 2008
Probe Conference 09.
See Mike's alter ego, Ben, on You Tube.
Books.UFO/Alien. Sites to Educate, Uplift and Amaze. Radio. Sites We Like.
Books by Fran. Books, features, puzzles, games .
Ben's World. Enter a new world of fun with Ben and his friends.
Lights2Beyond. Astounding photographs of paranormal phenomena.
Suzanne Gyseman. Visionary and mythic art.
Maria Barham. "As a singer/guitarist Maria may also be found playing covers (anything from Ella Fitzgerald to Oasis) perhaps in a restaurant or bar, at a beer festival,garden party, wedding breakfast etc. From cafes to castles she has played up and down the country. Maria has worked with with MIKE ORAM on music for BEN'S WORLD."
Brian J. Allen. "I have been writing and researching articles embracing all kinds of paranormal, esoteric and Gnostic themes for over 25 years."
Sean Whittaker. Musician and Artist.
BrinkArt. The web site of Marc Brinkerhoff, artist.
Patty Greer. Crop circles, films,.
White Feather. Teachings for the quiet mind.