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Click on the links below to hear Mike talking about his experiences on:
The Jerry Pippin Radio Show
Glastonbury Radio
O Books Radio
Ross Hemsworth talking about Mike's symbols on
'Now That's Weird' (short clip)
Ross Hemsworth talking about Mike's symbols on 'Now That's Weird'(whole show - scroll down the page that opens and listen to track 14)
and to access You Tube clips from:
UFO Congress, Nevada, 2008
Probe Conference 09.
See Mike's alter ego, Ben, on You Tube.
Books. UFO/Alien Sites to Educate. Uplift and Amaze. Radio. Sites We Like.
The Zen Of Ben by Mike Oram & John Pickering.
The first, mainstream cartoon strip with Mind, Body, Spirit content. An enlightening journey into the Cartooniverse with Ben, the clever little dog star of the popular, 'Ben's World' comic strip. The Zen of Ben is not only a quantum leap of imagination, it adds a whole new dimension of fun for anyone on the spiritual path!
Weird and Wonderful Cook Book
The Weird and Wonderful Cook Book by Fran Pickering. Illustrated by John Pickering.
ISBN: 978 1 907710629
Ideal as a first cook book to help children discover the fun and magic of cooking. The Weird & Wonderful Cook Book features both cold cookery that children can experiment with themselves, and hot dishes that they can safely make with an adult.
Weird and Wonderful Fun Food Book
The Weird and Wonderful Fun Food Book by Fran Pickering. Illustrated by John Pickering.
ISBN: 978 1 907710643
The zany collection of weird characters, humorous rhyme and wonderful recipes make this colourful and delightful book a magical gift for children. Cold cookery recipes that children aged 7 to 12 can do on their own.
Beyond Photography by John Pickering and Katie Hall
This book presents the most extensive and well-documented examination of this incredible phenomenon. It includes more than 75 colour and b/w photographs. This volume is the first and most extensive examination of what is known as the 'Orb Phenomenon': where photographs show extraordinary images of glowing orbs and other amazing light forms, when such objects were not visual at the taking of the picture.Orbs and Beyond by John Pickering and Katie Hall
The long awaited sequel to BEYOND PHOTOGRAPHY. This new book is full of amazing, new, colour images never before published and offers insights into the nature and meaning of orbs, apparitions, and related phenomena.
Simple Home Guide to Colour Therapy
A Simple Home Guide to Colour Therapy by Fran Pickering.
ISBN: 978 1 907710599
Simple ways to introduce the healing aspects of colour into your life.
UFO Warminster by Kevin Goodman
This book chronicles the events Kevin and his friends experienced in the town during the mid-1970s.
In These Signs Conquer by Ellis Taylor
This is a thought-provoking book book that sheds light on the esoteric meanings and intent behind the signs and symbols that are used by the forces that influence our world
Living in the Matrix by Ellis Taylor
Much more than just numerology, the science of numbers; this books takes that knowledge to new depths of insight.
The Millenial Hospitality series by Charles Hall
Whilst not written in a particularly literary style, these books are, I feel, a major contribution to the lore of UFOlogy. Charles Hall's very personal account of his time stationed at Indian Springs, Nevada, when a weather observor for the United States Air Force in the mid-sixties, and the alien beings he encountered there.
Free Download of this personal account of contact over many years.
I Forgot What I Wasn't Supposed To Remember by Kay Wilson.
The Keepers by Jim Sparks
"For years I was subjected to abductions, unwelcomed experiments, forced learning and many other indignities. I fought back when I could but more importantly, I strived to remember. I needed to tell others what I was forced to endure. Although, in the beginning, these experiences were very negative, over the years they have turned into something positive. The message given to me is that the human species can and needs to evolve to join the galatic neighborhood."
Connecting the Dots by Paola Harris
Interviews with various people, to help make sense of the UFO phenomenon.